Presse de la recherche >> Commonwealth


21.1 (Autumn 1998): Fictionalizing History


Fictionalizing History

  • Marta Dvorak, Preface, 7
  • Marcienne Rocard, "Obasan et Itsuka de Joy Kogawa: Résistance à l'H(h)istoire", 9
  • Alain Séverac, "Chinua Achebe, History-Teller", 19
  • Benaouda Lebdai, "Osiris Rising: History Revisited by Ayi Kwei Armah", 31
  • Dominique Dubois, "Wilson Harris's 'Infinite Rehearsal' or the Imaginative Reconstruction of History", 37
  • Carole Froude Durix, "Anonymity, Naming and Memory in Fred d'Aguiar's Feeding the Ghosts: Islands of Fiction in a Sea of History", 47
  • Cynthia Carey, "Bhabani Bhattacharya's Novel So Many Hungers and the Bengal Famine of 1943: Writing the Silences of History", 55
  • Salhia Ben-Messahel, "The Boomerang Effect of Time and History in Tim Winton's Fictionalized Australia", 63
  • Michael Greene, "'A Real Historical Fiction': Allegories of Discourse in Canadian Literary Historiography", 73
  • Georgiana Colville, "Relating (to) the Spec(tac)ular Other: Alice Munro's 'The Albanian Virgin'", 83
  • Jean Sévry, "Afrique du Sud. Le dernier écrit de Coetzee: les confessions d'un enfant?" 93
  • Eric Tabuteau, "Will Multiculturalism Colonise Africa?" 97
  • Werner Senn, "'Put Past to Present Purpose': Time and Temporality in the Poetry of Rosemary Dobson", 109

mise à jour le 6 avril 2014

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