Jacqueline Bardolph, "Language is Courage: The Satanic Verses", 1
Silvia Albertazzi, "In the Skin of a Whale: Salman Rushdie's Responsibility for the Story", 11
Stéphane Tyssen, "Midnight's Children or the Ambiguity of Impotence", 19
Michel Pousse, "So Many Freedoms", 30
Coral Ann Howells, "Free-Dom, Telling, Dignidad: Margaret Laurence, 'A Gourdul of Glory', Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale, Sarah Murphy, The Measure of Miranda", 39
Marcienne Rocard, "Le personnage féminin en cavale dans No Fixed Address: An Amorous Journey d'Aritha Van Herk", 47
Michèle Kaltemback, "A Man Locked up in a Freezer: A Reading of Leon Rooke's Story 'The Blue Baby'", 54
Annie Escuret, "Marian Engel: The Tattoed Woman", 60
Lourdes Divasson, "Hubert Aquin: A Cry for Liberty", 69
Susan Ballyn, "Survival and Exile in Maria Lewitt's Come Spring and No Snow in December", 73
John Tittensor, "Jack Hibberd and Australian Popular Theatre", 81
C. G. Okafor, "Of Spooks and Virile Men: Patterns of Response to Imperialism in Sizwe Bansi is Dead and The Trial of Dedan Kimathi", 87
J. O. J. Nwachukwu-Agbada, "Okot p'Bitek and the Story of Paradox", 95
Aderemi Bamikunle, "Nigerian Political Culture in Osofisan's Minted Coins", 107
Albert Gérard, "La Genèse de l'écrit en Afrique anglophone : priorité à l'essai", 117