Sam COOMBES, The Reconstruction of Social Democratic Values in Contemporary Cosmopolitan Anglophone Societies
Martine PIQUET, Brexit and Commonwealth: convictions et incertitudes. Illusion d'un rêve de reconstruction impérial
Grégory ALBISSON, Confluence, Divergence and Diversion in the New Zealand Flag Debate
Delphine DAVID, "Change the Date to May 8, Maaate": Past and Present Analysis of a Controversial National Day as Australia "Celebrates" the 230th Anniversary of the First Fleet's Arrival
Jain BHAWANA, Decoding the Partition of India, Using Transmediality in the Digital Era
Deirdre GILFEDDER, The Races of Europe: Construction of National Identities in the Social Sciences, 1839-1939, by Richard McMahon