n° 03 (Autumn 1997) The Republican Debate in Australia, 1788-1997
Martine PIQUET, The Australian Republic: Stepping into the "Post-postcolonial" Age?
Stephen ALOMES, The Australian Republican Paradox
Peter CORONEOS, Metamorphosis of a Nation: A Personal View of the Constitutional, Social and Political Aspects of Republicanism in Australia in the 1990s
Graham MADDOX, The Conservative Face of Australian Republicanism
Peter HOWELL, Meeting Objections to Republicanism in Australia
Ian MYLCHREEST, The Symbolism of the Australian Constitution: A Comparative Perspective
David FLINT, An Australian Republic: How Inevitable Is It?
Chilla BULBECK, Republicanism in Australia: A Debate of Old and New Nationalisms
Xavier PONS, Ethnic Minorities and the Republican Debate
Wendy BRADY, Reconciliation to Republic: An Indigenous Perspective on Australia as a Republic
Galarrwuy YUNUPINGU, A Matter of Identity, interview by Xavier Pons