Ron LEASK, The Commonwealth Secretariat: Not a Star, but an Effective Stage Manager?
Michel MONTEIL, Banaba, Paradise Lost and Never Regained...
Olivette OTLELE, Bridewealth and Power: The Struggle of Edwondo Women against a Few Traditional Praxes in Cameroon
Marie-Claude BARBIER, Eugène Casalis, architecte du Lesotho
Bernard CROS, In the Wings of South Africa's Post-Apartheid Theatre: The Illusions of the South African Miracle in Louis-Ferdinand Depreez's Novel La mémoire courte
Mathilde ROGEZ, Des coulisses de la scène politique sud-africaine aux ressorts et manigances de la mise en texte: silences, confessions et ambivalences dans The Smell of Apples de Mark Behr
Sokearty PHENG-UNG, The Kiwi View on the Rainbow Warrior Affair: What Lies Below the Angry Surface?
Ivane MORTELETTE, Nouvelle-Zélande sur arrière-fond discriminatoire: le point de vue de Janet Frame
Matthew GRAVES & Elisabeth RECHNIEWSKI, Australian War Memorialism and the Politics of Remembrance: From Gallipoli to Long Tan
Victor OOST, Benang and the Unbearable Whiteness of Being: Kim Scott's Family Narrative and Prospects for Reconciliation
Chantal KWAST-GREFF, Emotion Front-Stage: From History to Sympathy
Marie BRESSON, Behind the Scenes of the National Library of Australia's Aboriginal Oral History Project and the Question of the Value of Aboriginal Testimonies