Peter A. HOWELL, Some Challenges Posed to South Australia's Historians by Oral and Written Traditions
Timothy MASON, Thte Anthropologist's Bagmen: Frazer, Spencer and Gillen, and the Primitive in Australia
Rewriting Political and Social History
Douglas YATES, Delegitimazing the Past to Legitimate the Present: The Present Commissions of Inquiry in the Gambia
Elaine DUBOURDIEU, The Truth and Reconciliation Commission: Rewriting South Africa's Histories
Marie-Claude BARBIER, A National Language Plan for South Africa
Manuele FACCHINI, Le référendum de 1960 sur la république: une occasion manquée pour l'Afrique du Sud pro-britannique
History revisited by the arts
Geetha GANAPATHY-DORÉ, Salman Rushdie's Rewriting of the History of Art
Éric TABUTEAU, (Dé)colonisation et multiculturalisme: The Radical Imagination de Wilson Harris
Wilma BOISNARD, No Tomorrow without Yesterday: Coming to Terms with History in the South African Cinema, with special Reference to Fools
Shyam BENEGAL & Makesh BATT: Trends in Indian Cinema, interviews by Beena ANAND
Jean-Claude REDONNET, Le Commonwealth: politiques, coopération et développements anglophones, Collection "Perspectives anglo-saxonnes", PUF, Paris 1998