Presse de la recherche >> Commonwealth >> Cultures of the Commonwealth


n° 04 (Spring 1998) Post-postcolonialism?


-postcolonialism in arts

  • Geetha GANAPATHY-DORÉ, Colonial Cousins: Hariharan and Leslie Lezz Lewis's Musical Response to the End of Empires
  • Jeannette & Deirdre GILFEDDER, Tasmania on the Nile: John Glover's "Artist's House and Garden"
  • Georges-Goulven LE CAM, From Sublimated Death to Fantasy: Postcolonialism and Post-postcolonialism in Picnic at Hanging Rock and Reckless Kelly
  • Ruth BROWN, Aboriginal and Maori Spirituality: Liberal Self-deception?
Post-postcolonialism in business and economics
  • Christopher LEEDS, Australian Business Culture: A Study of the Historical Worldview and Alternative Orientations
  • Gwyn CAMPBELL, The Development of the IOR (Indian Ocean Rim) Associations and its Implications for the Commonwealth
Post-postcolonialism in politics
  • Monique CURCURU, La fin du régime colonial britannique à Hong Kong
  • Patrice SANGUY, Alfred Sant: A Young Labour Prime Minister for "Post-postcolonial" Malta
  • Michel POUSSE, India: The End of Delhi's Colonialism?
  • Françine TOLRON, The Settlement of Maori Land Claims: "Full and Final"?

mise à jour le 25 janvier 2021