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Administrative enrolment

Enrolment 2023-2024

Administrative enrolment campaign (IA) 2023-2024

Administrative enrolment [PDF - 112 Ko] is compulsory, annual and personal.

  • It gives you the status of student. You pay a registration fee plus the Student and Campus Life Contribution (CVEC, which amounts to €100).
  • In practical terms, this is reflected in the issue of your school certificates and your student card.

Student cards / or stickers 2023-2024

In the lobby of Campus Nation from September 4th, 2023.
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Please bring Proof of identity.
If a third party needs to come in your place, they will need a power of attorney [PDF - 116 Ko].
  • Your contact is the Administrative Enrolment Department.
  • No certificate of enrolment or student card will be issued if you have not provided all the supporting documents required for enrolment and if you have not paid your CVEC contribution.

  • Your registration timetable:
          Wednesday 5 July 2023:

- Re-enrolment opens for students continuing their studies, provided they have been admitted to session 1 (deliberations completed)

- Re-enrolment opens for students returning to study

          Thursday 6 July 2023:

 - Registration opens for newcomers (subject to having passed the baccalauréat for first-year undergraduates)

           Monday 17 July 2023:

- Re-registration opens for students repeating a year or admitted in session 2 (deliberations completed)

  • Kindly respect the deadline for administrative registration for your course.
  • The administrative enrolment procedure is completely paperless, and is carried out remotely, including payment of tuition fees, by credit card (in 1 instalment or 3 instalments free of charge) or by bank transfer (in 1 instalment), as well as submission of the supporting documents requested by the Administrative Enrolment Department. This registration MUST be completed by the deadline in order to qualify for student status.

    Your application will be checked and validated by the Administrative Enrolment Department.

    If you have not paid your tuition fees when you register online, you are considered to be "awaiting payment". You must pay these fees by bank transfer in a single instalment. Please contact the following address:     

STEP 1: The Student and Campus Life Contribution (CVEC)

In application of the Law on Student Orientation and Success (ORE) of March 8th, 2018, students must pay the Student and Campus Life Contribution (CVEC) to the CROUS. This contribution has been introduced to promote social, health, cultural and sporting support for students. It costs €100. 

The CVEC must be made out in the same name as the the one declared when you applied.

From now on, BEFORE you enrol, you MUST pay the CVEC to the CROUS. For more information, click here.

Concerning Social security

The student social security system ceased to exist on August 31st, 2019 (more information here.)

On this date, all students previously attached to a student mutual insurance company for their social security will automatically be attached to the Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie of their place of residence. Student mutual insurers will continue to work alongside the Assurance Maladie in their health prevention initiatives and will continue to offer supplementary health insurance specifically tailored to students.

CASE 1: This is your first enrolment at Sorbonne Nouvelle

You have been admitted via Parcoursup, eCandidat or MonMaster and you are registering for the first time at Sorbonne Nouvelle, please read the instructions for use (Link HERE [PDF - 337 Ko]) before registering online according to the following timetable:

  • You belong to the following category: Baccalaureate holder (high school graduate) of the year 2023 accepted via Parcoursup, online registration will open from Thursday 6th July. Please connect via the link below:
> Registration via THIS LINK

  • You belong to the following category: Baccalaureate holders (high school graduate) prior to 2023 (including Parcoursup reorientations), online registration will open from Thursday 6th July. Please connect via the link below:
> Registration via THIS LINK

  • Before you start registering and to ensure that you receive messages from the platform (confirmation emails, etc.), add to your address book.
  • REMINDER: Register on time! The first online registration service will close according to the following schedule.

CASE 2: You are re-registering at Sorbonne Nouvelle

You were registered last year or you have already been registered at Sorbonne Nouvelle and have been admitted this year via eCandidat, you can re-register online: The servers for online re-registration will open from Wednesday 5th July. Please connect via the link below:

> Registration via THIS LINK

  • Before you start:
    • It is essential to activate your iSorbonne account in order to complete your administrative registration
    • Add to your address book to ensure that you receive messages from the platform (confirmation email, etc.) 
  • REMINDER: Register on time! The online re-registration service will close according to the following timetable.
  • If you have interrupted your studies at Sorbonne Nouvelle for one year or more, or if you have cancelled your administrative registration in 2022-2023, a technical intervention will be necessary on your student file to be able to re-register online. To do this, please contact the study department of your course.


Until you have finished managing your course results, you will not be able to re-register online. Please try again later.

Check the progress of your administrative enrolment

You can view the details of your registration (supporting documents, fees) and re-edit your registration summary if necessary.

(You must have activated your iSorbonne account using your student number)


mise à jour le 3 juillet 2023

Guichet numérique étudiant

Pour toutes questions concernant votre scolarité ou les formations de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, connectez vous puis saisissez votre demande.

Vous trouverez des explications et de l'aide sur cette page.

View your registration

Summary, list of supporting documents: you can view your entire online registration as soon as you open your online re-registration.

Are you sure you haven't forgotten anything?

Student card, school certificates: you're enrolled...or almost!
Don't forget to make your pedagogical registration! Please note: you will not be able to register as a student unless your administrative registration has been validated.

Your contacts for academic enrolment and course registration

Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (USN)
Campus Nation

8 avenue de Saint-Mandé
CS 93105
75591 PARIS CEDEX 12

Service Scolarité et Gestion des Formations
Building C - Office C411
Phone: 0033(0)

Administrative Enrolment Department
Building C - Office C416

Campus Nation

8 avenue de Saint-Mandé
CS 93105
75591 PARIS CEDEX 12

Campus Condorcet - Batiment de recherche sud
5 cours des Humanités
93322 Aubervilliers Cedex
Phone: 0033 (0)1 88 12 18 34 / 0033 (0)1 88 12 18 31