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Bénédicte MIYAMOTO
- Corps :
- MCF - Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3
- Mél :
- Adresse site personnel :
- Structure(s) de rattachement :
CREW - Center for Research on the English-speaking World - EA 4399
Département du Monde Anglophone (MA)
- Discipline(s) :
- section 11 - Études anglophones
Discipline(s) enseignée(s)
Civilisation britannique /
British History
- ED625: Abstract, Article and Keywords (École Doctorale)
- M9MN004: Musées et Nouveaux Médias (Master 2, CAM)
- A7CULT: Master MEEF Anglais notions culturelles de civilisation britannique (Master 1)
- A5MC031: Histoire matérielle (Licence 3)
- B4AL303: Histoire de l'art britannique (Licence 3)
- A1FC001: Histoire britannique (Licence 1)
- Maître de Conférences
- Délégation CNRS Laboratoire LARCA
Thèmes de recherche
Civilisation britannique. Histoire du dix-huitième siècle. Marché de l'art. Histoire du livre. Art & Migration. Circulation des savoirs. Culture matérielle. Histoire de la consommation
British History. Eighteenth-Century History. Art Market Studies. Book History. Art & Migration. Circulation of Knowledge. Material Culture. Consumption History.
Activités / CV
Bourses (Grants & Fellowships)
- 2024: Délégation CNRS au Laboratoire LARCA
- 2023: Dibner Library Resident Scholar - Fellowship at Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Special Collections
- 2022: Lewis Walpole Travel Grant
- 2019: Folger Shakespeare Library Short-Term Fellowship
- 2019: Society of the Cincinnati Library Fellowship
- 2012: Yale Center for British Art Summer Seminar, University of York
- 2011: Yale Center for British Art Summer Seminar, Yale CBA
- 2009: Paul Mellon Research Grant, Paul Mellon Center for Studies in British Art
Directions d'ouvrages
Articles et chapitres d'ouvrages - "Writing Himself into a Profession: Knowledge, Skills and Community in John Martin's "Several Receipts for the Use of Mankind," in Eighteenth Century Life, Duke University Press. Special Issue editd by Betty A. Schellenberg and Alexis Chema, The Manuscript Book in the Long Eighteenth Century (2024). 48 (1): 6-27
- "Teaching Portraits with Method - The Technology of Grids, Compasses and Proportions in British Drawing Manuals," Interfaces 51 (2024)
- "Hidden Figures: Agents of the Eighteenth-century Art Market," in Art Markets, Agents and Collectors: Collecting Strategies in Europe and the USA, 1550-1950, dirigé par Adriana Turpin et Susan Bracken, Bloomsbury, 2021.
- "Bought-in at English Auction: Sellers Testing their Estimates in a Maturing Market," co-auteru avec Elisabetta Lazzaro, in Researching Art Markets: Past, Present, and Tools for the Future, dirigé par Elisabetta Lazzaro, Nathalie Moureau et Adriana Turpin, Routledge, 2021.
- "Business as Usual – the London Art Market and Internationalisation in the Eighteenth Century," in Art et Economie dirigé par Cecilia d’Ercole et Jean-Michel Minovez. Collection Tempus Arti: PUM, 2020.
- "The Influence of Drawing Manuals on the British Practice and Reception of Fancy Pictures," in Fancy in Eighteenth-Century European Visual Culture dirigé par Melissa Percival et Muriel Adrien. Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment, Liverpool University Press, 2020. 87-104.
- "British Buying Patterns at Auction Sales, 1780-1800," in London and the Emergence of a European Art Market, 1780-1820 dirigé par Susannah Avery-Quash et Christian Huemer. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 2019.
- "International Dealer Networks and Triangular Art Trade between Paris, Amsterdam and London," co-auteur avec Hans J. Van Miegroet et Hilary Cronheim, in London and the Emergence of a European Art Market, 1780-1820 dirigé par Susannah Avery-Quash et Christian Huemer. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 2019. 53-65.
- "‘Directions to Know a Good Picture’: Marketing National School Categories to the British Public in the Long Eighteenth Century," in Art Crossing Borders: The International Art Market in the Age of Nation States, 1760-1914, dirigé par Jan Dirk Baetens et Dries Lyna. Studies in the History of Collecting & Art Markets, Leiden – Boston: Brill, 2019. 64-98.
- "‘Making Pictures Marketable’: Expertise and the Georgian Art Market," in Marketing Art in the British Isles, 1700 to the Present. A Cultural History dirigé par Charlotte Gould et Sophie Mesplede. Ashgate, 2019
- "Significant Red: watercolour and the uses of red pigments in military and architectural conventions," in Revue de la Société d’Études Anglo-Américaines des XVIIème et XVIIIème siècles, Contribution of Colour(s) in the anglophone world, 75 (2018)
- "Bidding as a Guide to British Visual Preference: A Late Eighteenth-Century Case Study" in Moving Pictures: Intro-European Trade in Images, 16th-18th Centuries dirigé par Neil de Marchi et Sophie Raux. Turnhout: Brepols, 2014
- "Taste, the Auction House, and the Education of the Eye," inTaste and the Senses in the Eighteenth Century, Landau-Paris Studies on the Eighteenth Century (LAPASEC), Vol 3, dirigé par Peter Wagner et Frédéric Ogée. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2011
- "‘Secretly and by stealth’: moralité et résurgence des images", in XVII-XVIII Revue d’Etudes Anglo-américaines, Vol. 65, 2008
Podcasts & Blogs
Quelques présentations (Book History, Art Market Studies, Material Culture)
- 13 octobre 2022: "Satire and Art Market Practices: the Auction as Visual Tropes in the Eighteenth Century" Séminaire Franco-Britannique d'Histoire, maison de la Recherche, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle.
- 10 avril 2021: Session SHARP du Congrès Annuel American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) "Material Evidence in How-to Books: the artist as reader", Session “Material Manuals: Making and Using Eighteenth-Century Instructional Books” organisé par Christine Griffiths (Bard Graduate Center) et SHARP. Toronto, Canada. Online.
- 26 janvier 2021: Séminaire de la Society for the History of Collecting, "Selling Pictures in 18th-Century London - Visualizing Tightly-Knit Profession," Institute of Historical Research, London. Online.
- 11 janvier 2021: Séminaire Digital Materialities (LARCA CNRS UMR 8225) "Dirty Books: Stains and Holes in 17th and 18th-Century Drawing Manuals," LARCA-Université Paris Cité, Online.
- 3 novembre 2020: seminaire Pôle 3 (Crew) Sorbonne Nouvelle, discussion autour d'un ouvrage: "Le monde de l'imprimerie en Grande Bretagne: Forms, Formats and the Circulation of Knowedge" avec Professeur James Raven (Cambridge) et Dr. Louisiane Ferlier (Royal Society). Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Online.
- 27 février 2020: Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, “Trooping the Colors: learning to draw and color-code knowledge in the army”, Panel présidentiel “Military Enlightenment in a Global Context”, organisé par David Huw (King’s College London) and Christy Pichichero (George Mason University). Tallahassee, Florida.
- 5 juin 2019: "Visibilités des pratiques marchandes controversées outre-manche: intermédiaires polémiques, lots ravalés et transparence" Journée d'études "Le marché de l’art, 1750–1800: Expertises, négociations et controverses", Groupe de Recherche en Hisotire de l'Art Modern (GRHAM), Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, Paris.
- 5 avril 2019: Washington Area Group for Print Culture Studies (WAGPCS), “From Manuscript to Print: replication of art manuals in commonplace and copybooks” organisé par Eleanor Shevlin (West Chester University) Library of Congress, Washington D.C.
- 22 mars 2018: Congrès annuel American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies (ASECS), “1768-1805 – Hanging Biblical Paintings at the Royal Academy” Panel “Biblical Painting in Eighteenth-Century Britain”, organisé par Naomi Billingsley (University of Manchester) Orlando
- 1 avril 2017: Congrès annuel American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies (ASECS) ,“A Public Event with a Private Agenda: London Auctions as Dealers’ Clearance Sales” à l' Atelier “Art Markets: Agents, Dealers, Auctions, Collectors” organisé par Wendy W. Roworth (University of Rhode Island) Minneapolis
- 26 Ocotbre 2015: Séminaire du Département School of Arts and Letters, "The Art Market’s Monitoring of the Value of Art: interconnecting artists and collectors", dirigé par Professor Hiroshi Yoshioka, Kyoto University, Kyoto
- 17 juin 2015: Festival Huguenot Summer, "Peter Motteux, upholder at the nexus of Huguenot artisans", at "From Soup to Silver, the enduring Legacy of the Hughenots", Institut Francais, Londres
- 22 Juin 2013: Conférence Internationale London and the Emergence of a European Art Market (c.1780–1820), "British buying patterns at auction sales, 1780–1800: did the influx of European art have an impact on the British public's preferences?" , dirigée par Christina Huemer (Getty Research Institute) et Susannah Avery-Quash (National Gallery), National Gallery, London
Équipes de recherche
Informations complémentaires
mise à jour le 3 septembre 2024