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ED625 2022/2023 New Trends in Translation Studies (Cliona Ni Riordain)




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10 personnes maximum


This seminar will explore the emerging field of translator studies.  The field is characterised by a number of methodological approaches: historical-biographical studies, social-scientific and process-oriented methods. We will examine questions of identity, role, self, posture, habitus, and voice. We will draw on new texts published by translators which reflect on their lived experience as translators. 

Seminar 1: Introduction to translator studies: this seminar will examine the emergence of the field of translator studies. It will demonstrate how “exploring the cultural, social, psychological, and cognitive facets of translatorial subjects contributes to a holistic understanding of translation” (Literary Translator Studies, 2021).

Seminar 2: The Lady Translator: this seminar will examine the persistence of the “lady translator” posture, examining it from a historical perspective before studying contemporary texts such as This Little Art, (Kate Briggs, Fitzcarraldo, 2017) and Sur les bouts de la langue: traduire en féministe/s, ( Noémie Grunenwald, La Contreallée, 2021).

Seminar 3: Translator biographies: this seminar will examine the methodology employed in translator biographies, focusing on emerging projects such as the biography of Barbara Bray, and outlining the nodal function of translators within the field of reception studies.


Les mercredis 
17h à 19h

4-11-janvier 2023
 salle Mezzanine
25 janvier salle du conseil

Maison de la Recherche 4, rue des Irlandais 75005 Paris




Kate Briggs, This Little Art, Fitzcarraldo, 2017

Noémie Grunenwald, Sur les bouts de la langue: traduire en féministe/s, La Contreallée, 2021

K. Kaindl, Kolb, Sclager eds., Literary Translator Studies, John Benjamins, 2021

Corinna Gepner, Traduire ou perdre pied, La Contrallée, 2019

Diane Meur, Entre les rives, La Contrallée, 2019

Pascal Poyet, J'ai dormi dans votre réputation : traduire mais les sonnets de Shakespeare, Héros Limite 2022 

mise à jour le 12 janvier 2023

Renseignements :

ED 625 - Mondes Anglophones, Germanophones, Indiens, Iraniens et Etudes Européennes - MAGIIE
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle

Maison de la Recherche

Bureau A008

4, rue des Irlandais

75005 PARIS

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