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New Technologies : A revolution for Organisations ? Nouvelles technologies : Une révolution pour les organisations ?

du 18 octobre 2013 au 19 octobre 2013


Colloque international

Lieu :  Institut du Monde Anglophone, 5 rue de l'Ecole de médecine, Paris 6e

Organisatrices : Christine Zumello et Emmanuelle Avril

Contacts : Christine Zumello et Emmanuelle Avril

Présentation :

New information technology has created an environment in which the one certainty for organizations is that they cannot cling to archaic, centralised and hierarchical models. The increased fluidity and speed of the global environment call for horizontal networked structures, where decisions are achieved through collaborative mechanisms, rather than pyramidal models. New processes have been emerging, in particular the practices of deliberative and participatory governance, with increased stakeholder and citizen inclusion and participation, greater use and reliance on networks of organisations, and efforts to resolve conflict through dialogue.

New forms of organizations, networks, coalitions and partnerships, as well as the promises of open sourcing and the collaborative horizontal model point towards a new governance apparatus in which relationship-based patterns can project and protect a human dimension in this digital world.

This conference will further the reflection on « Changing Organisations » following in the footsteps of the International conference that was held at Sorbonne Nouvelle in December 2010. We intend to explore and expand the study of a new field of research on study of organizations. Recent developments are both extremely topical for field studies of this new area and we also wish to include new and different types of organisations such as NGOs and social movements more generally in our theoretical approach and analysis.

Our forthcoming book New Technologies, Organizational Change and Governance ( Emmanuelle Avril, Christine Zumello (eds.) Palgrave, 2013) will provide a starting point and possibly a common ground for the presentation of empirical research and theoretical frameworks on the study of organizations.

Type :
Colloque / Journée d'étude

mise à jour le 25 septembre 2013