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"New perspectives on language change and variation in the history of English".

le 4 octobre 2019

Journée d’étude
Organisation : Paris 3 (SESYLIA -- Eric Corre) et Poitiers (FORELLIS -- Marc Fryd)


9h30: accueil des participants

10h00-10h30: Paulina Hurwitz (Université Poitiers): “Gendered phonologies in flux: the case of Cork English”.

10h30-11h: Maëlle Amand (Université Paris-Diderot): "We speak the w[eː] it's wr[oː]te!" An apparent-time analysis of phonetic variation in the Tyneside English Survey.

11h15-11h45: Mathilde Pinson (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle): “What has become of adjectives in SVI constructions?”

11h45-12h45 : David Denison (Manchester University): “A Just so story - certain uses of so as a turn-introducer in speech”.


14h30-15h30: Benedikt Szmrecsanyi (K.U. Leuven):“Modeling ternary genitive variation in Late Modern English”.

15h45-16h15: Marc Fryd (Université de Poitiers): “A Whole in One: negation cycles and how totalising adverb ‘never’ acquires singulative reference”.

16h15-16h45: Dominique Boulonnais (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle): Absentivity and the English progressive: An inquiry into the origins of the BE+ING form.

Type :
Colloque / Journée d'étude
Lieu(x) :
Maison de la Recherche de l'Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3
salle ATHENA - 4 rue des Irlandais - Paris 5ème

Partenaires :

mise à jour le 17 septembre 2019