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The aim of the Master 1 in European Studies is to provide students with a multi-disciplinary foundation (economics, law, history, political science) of knowledge on Europe and the European Union, while offering them the more specific knowledge, skills and methods needed to enter the various European careers. This Master's program aims to train specialists in European issues.
It offers three options which students must choose from when applying for the program, and which they will follow throughout their two-year Master's program:
- International Affairs and Security in Europe (AISE)
- Environment, Humanitarian Aid, Development and Fundamental Rights in Europe (EHDDFE)
- European Institutions, Governance and Public Affairs (IGAPE).
In addition to professional courses, students will be required to take thematic courses and seminars in English.
This Master’s degree also offers other complementary activities (conferences, debates, etc.) through its partnership with the Eurosorbonne association.
- Highly qualified professional training in European issues.
- Solid knowledge of European integration in its economic, historical, legal and political dimensions.
- The first semester of the program includes a “Discovery of European professions”.
- Students write a research dissertation throughout the two years, which is defended at the end of M2. The Master's degree can also lead to a PhD in one of the above-mentioned disciplines.
- Identify and analyze major issues relating to international and societal questions.
- Put together thematic dossiers using a variety of media: texts, images, maps, etc.
- Express themselves orally and in writing on international and social issues in French and English, or in a second foreign language.
- Analyze and follow international news.
- Synthesize information to support an argument.
- Highly qualified professional training in European issues.
- Solid knowledge of European integration in its economic, historical, legal and political dimensions.
- The first semester of the program includes a “Discovery of European professions”.
- Students write a research dissertation throughout the two years, which is defended at the end of M2. The Master's degree can also lead to a PhD in one of the above-mentioned disciplines.
- Identify and analyze major issues relating to international and societal questions.
- Put together thematic dossiers using a variety of media: texts, images, maps, etc.
- Express themselves orally and in writing on international and social issues in French and English, or in a second foreign language.
- Analyze and follow international news.
L'étude d'une langue vivante étrangère est obligatoire, en privilégiant les langues de spécialités, au travers de l'étude des concepts économiques, juridiques et institutionnels. Une formation en Français langue étrangère est possible pour les étudiant.e.s étranger.e.s.
Un séjour d'un ou deux semestres dans une université étrangère en Europe ou dans le cadre d'échanges internationaux est proposé, en particulier dans les universités avec lesquelles le département d'Études européennes entretient des relations de coopération soutenues (Espagne, Italie, Allemagne, Royaume-Uni, Hongrie, Roumanie, République tchèque, Canada, etc.).
First year of Master is also an opportunity for students to familiarize themselves with academic research, through the production of a short dissertation (between 30 and 50 pages). This exercise is supported by a methodology course and supervised by a dissertation director.
The study of foreign language is compulsory. Training in French as a foreign language is available for foreign students.
Students can spend one or two semesters at a foreign university in Europe or as part of an international exchange program, in particular at universities with which the European Studies department maintains close cooperative relations (Spain, Italy, Germany, UK, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, Canada, etc.).
Attractive in the French and European university landscape, this program is by necessity selective (70 students per year), according to the criteria detailed below.
– Concours d’admission dans les institutions et administrations nationales, européennes ou internationales.
– Collège d’Europe (Bruges/Natolin).
– Doctorat.
- Competitions for admission to national, European and international institutions and administrations.
- College of Europe (Bruges/Natolin).
- Doctoral studies.
– Administration publique territoriale, nationale et européenne.
– Administration et gestion du secteur associatif et des ONG humanitaires et de développement.
– Services internationaux des collectivités et des entreprises, métiers de l’Europe.
– Cabinets de conseil de lobbying et de plaidoyer.
– Organisations internationales.
– Recherche et enseignement.
– Journalisme...
- Local, national and European public administration.
- Administration and management of associations and humanitarian and development NGOs.
- International services for local authorities and companies, European businesses.
- Lobbying and advocacy consultancies.
- International organizations.
- Journalism...
– Être titulaire d’une licence dans une des disciplines suivantes :
· Droit
· Économie
· Histoire
· Science politique
· Sociologie
· Études européennes et/ou internationales.
– Excellence du dossier scolaire et académique.
– Appétence pour les questions européennes et internationales.
– Pouvoir argumenter en anglais à l’écrit et l’oral et savoir rédiger dans un français solide.
– Pertinence du projet d’étude et du projet professionnel.
– Maîtrise d’une seconde langue étrangère souhaitée (niveau B2).
Par ailleurs, le Master peut accueillir des étudiants étrangers qui justifient d'un diplôme équivalent à la Licence dans l'une des quatre disciplines sus-mentionnées et qui passent avec succès les tests de français, sous réserve de l'accord de la commission pédagogique et scientifique du Master. Cette commission se prononce également pour l'admission en Master des étudiants en VAE.
- Hold a bachelor's degree in one of the following disciplines:
· Law
· Economics
· History
· Political Science
· Sociology
· European and/or international studies.
- Excellent academic record.
- Aptitude for European and international issues.
- Ability to argue in written and spoken English and to write in solid French.
- Relevance of study and career plans.
- Proficiency in a second foreign language preferred (B2 level).
Capacité d'acceuil : 70
L'admission est prononcée par une commission pédagogique, au regard de l'excellence académique des candidat.e.s et des capacités d’accueil, sur la base de l’examen d’un dossier de candidature comprenant une lettre de motivation d’une page, un curiculum vitae, les pièces attestant de l’obtention des titres/diplômes/certifications et les relevés de notes correspondants.
Calendrier de campagne :
Début de candidature :
Fin de candidature :
Capacity: 70
Admission is decided by a pedagogical committee, taking into account the academic excellence of applicants and capacity, on the basis of an application including a one-page letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, proof of qualifications and corresponding transcripts.
Campaign calendar:
Start of application :
End of application :
The Master's degree of European Studies is attached to the Institute of European Studies (IEE), which is attached to the “Cooperation and Integration in the European Space” (ICEE) host team.
Les étudiant.e.s du Master Etudes européennes peuvent, après validation pédagogique de la responsable du Master, entreprendre un séjour ERASMUS ou un échange international dans les nombreuses universités partenaires de l'Université Sorbonne Nouvelle.
Students can undertake an ERASMUS or an international exchange at one of the many partner universities of the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, subject to approval by the Master's degree coordinator.
Renseignements :
Département : Institut d'Etudes européennes (IEE)
8, avenue de Saint-Mandé
75012 Paris
Tél. : (33) 01 45 87 48 98 - bureau 540
mise à jour le 9 janvier 2025