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du 28 août 2017 au 1 septembre 2017
Quatorzième Conférence Internationale d'Histoire des Sciences du Langage (ICHoLS XIV)
Présentation : In the study of the Arabic linguistic tradition, little attention has been paid to the role and contribution of local subtraditions – especially those of peripheral regions – for the evolution of Arabic grammatical studies throughout the centuries. Undoubtedly, one of the most important of local subtraditions is the one which flourished in al-Andalus between the 2nd/8th and the 9th/15th centuries. Grammatical studies in al-Andalus were introduced very early on from the Islamic East and for centuries they centred on Oriental treatises such as the Kitāb of Sībawayhi (d. 180/796?), the Ǧumal of al-Zaǧǧāǧī (d. 337/949), and the ʾĪḍāḥ of al-Fārisī (d. 377/987). The high number of grammarians active in this region and the many commentaries they wrote on Oriental treatises are recorded in medieval biographical dictionaries. Their work was known to their Oriental colleagues, and later grammarians such as Ibn Hišām al-ʾAnṣārī (d. 761/1360) and al-Suyūṭī (d. 911/1505) cited them extensively. Nonetheless, the importance of these exchanges has not always been taken into due account as far as the transmission and development of the Arabic grammatical tradition are concerned. The present workshop proposes to examine this question by focusing more precisely on the following aspects:
1. The extent of the grammatical exchanges across the Mediterranean;
2. The reception of Oriental treatises and theories in al-Andalus;
3. The role of Andalusian grammarians as transmitters of grammatical knowledge;
4. The Andalusian contribution to the evolution of Arabic linguistic thought;
5. The importance of local cultural identity in shaping grammatical thought.
mise à jour le 6 juillet 2017