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Dependent capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe : theoretical foundations and diversity of national trajectories

On April 8, 2016

International conference

University Paris 3 – Sorbonne Nouvelle
University Paris Diderot
European Program Balkin

Organisation : Violaine Delteil, Eric Magnin


9h00 : Introduction : Xavier Richet (In charge of the European Programme Balkint)

9h30-12h30 : Theoretical foundations and regional comparisons

Chairman : Bernard Chavance (University Paris Diderot)

9h30-10h45 : Comparing capitalisms

Robert Boyer (Institut des Amériques) : « Dependent capitalisms : what are the differences between Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe ? »
Martin Myant (European Trade Union Institute), « What framework for analysing varieties of capitalism in East-Central Europe ? »

10h45 : Coffee Break

11h-12h30 : Dependent capitalism : lessons from Latin America

Ilan Bizberg (Colegio de México): « Is there still diversity in Latin America capitalisms in the context of the crisis ? »
Andreas Nölke (Goethe University), «Dangers of residual dependency in state-permeated capitalism: the case of Brazil. »

Pierre Salama (University Paris 13), « Rentier economies in Latin America, variety of forms of crisis. »

12h30-14h : Lunch

14h-17h15 : Diversity of dependency channels, variety of national trajectories

Chairman : Yorgos Rizopoulos (University Paris Diderot)

14h-15h30 : Institutional forms and dependence : Labour, State, Money

Jan Drahokoupil (European Trade Union Institute), « Employment relations in dependent market economies. »
Violaine Delteil (University Sorbonne Nouvelle), «"Weak state" economies as channel for "dependent capitalism": considerations based on the Bulgarian and Romanian trajectories. »

Eric Magnin (University Paris Diderot), Nikolay Nenovsky (University Picardie Jules Verne), « Dependent capitalism and monetary regimes : the case of Balkan countries »

15h30 : Coffee Break

15h45-17h15 : Dependent capitalism and contrasting experiences

Xavier Richet (University Sorbonne Nouvelle), « Restructuration and foreign direct investments in CEE countries and the Balkans : control and dependences. »
Julien Vercueil (Inalco), « Capitalism, Russian style : what kind of dependency is at stake ? » Weronika Arabska (University Paris Diderot), « Diversity of capitalisms : empirical evidence of Visegrad countries’ specificity. »

17h15-18h – General discussion and conclusion : Bernard Chavance

Type :
Place(s) :

Informations pratiques / Practical information

La journée se déroulera dans les locaux de l’Université Paris Diderot : Bâtiment Olympe de Gouges - 75013 Paris (M° Bibliothèque), Salle 870 (8ème étage, à droite en sortant de l'ascenseur A puis 1er couloir à gauche). (Attention : l'ascenseur fonctionne avec badge, qu'il faut demander à l'accueil en échange d’une carte d’identité ou d’un passeport). The Conference will take place in the Olympe de Gouges building (University Paris Diderot), room 870 (8th floor, exiting the elevator A turn right then 1st corridor on your left). (Warning : the elevator works with an access badge, provided at the reception desk in exchange for an ID document).

Plan d’accès aux locaux/Map to reach the building :

Contact : Violaine Delteil ( – Eric Magnin (

Date of update March 15, 2016