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Accommodation - exchange students

Apply for a room in a University Residence (CROUS) managed by the International Affairs Office (DAI)

Sorbonne Nouvelle University offers rooms in University Residence of the CROUS in Paris:

Argonne / Bercy / Cîteaux / Indochine
ReuillySarrailh / Thionville 

These rooms are intended only for exchange students.

To apply, please complete the application form within these dates: 

  • Between May 1st and June 1st 2024 for students arriving in the first semester of 2024-2025 (courses start in September)
  • Between October 15th and November 15th 2024 for students arriving in the second semester of 2024-2025 (courses start in January)

Applications received outside of these dates will not be processed.


Take note: You can only apply once you has been nominated by your home university, and have completed your registration online as an exchange student. You don't have to wait to be accepted before applying for accommodation.


Accommodation in Paris and the Ile-de-France

Once you have enrollled at Sorbonne Nouvelle University, and in addition to your application for CROUS accommodation, you should widen your search for accommodation as there is no guarantee that your application will be accepted.

Paris is a very attractive city, so you should start looking as soon as possible in order to maximise your chances of finding accommodation.

Do not hesitate to consult the pages produced by Campus France, dedicated to accommodation:

Finally, the Centre d'Information et de Documentation Jeunesse (CIDJ) also gives you some advice:

See our housing guide

To help you in your search, the International Affairs Office has produced an Accommodation guide, containing information and advice on accommodation in Paris and the Ile-de-France.

You can find several temporary accommodation solutions for your first  days in France. These can be used to justify temporary accommodation when applying for a visa.
You can also find proposals for private student residences, hostels, rentals and shared accommodation, all listed by arrondissement.

Please note that all sites and agencies mentioned in the guide are given as an indication to help you in your research. The Université Sorbonne Nouvelle is not affiliated with any of these establishments or areas and declines all responsability.

Swwitch platform

Platform specialising in the exchange of accommodation between university students.
More information on the dedicated webpage!

mise à jour le 19 novembre 2024

Our accommodation partner

Contact at the International Affairs Office (DAI)

Mme Sanâa MOULAY

Phone :  +

Office open to the public every day:
Please make an appointment via this platform.

From 2pm to 5pm
17 rue de la Sorbonne
75005 Paris

Useful informations

The VISALE student rental deposit