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du 2 juillet 2015 au 3 juillet 2015


Colloque international

An international conference co-organised by Claire Davison and Catherine Lanone (‘Vortex’, EA 4398 PRISMES, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle), Anne-Marie Smith-Di Biasio (Institut Catholique de Paris), Catherine Bernard (UMR 8225 LARCA, Université Paris Diderot) and the Société d’Etudes Woolfiennes

Lieu : Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3
Institut du Monde anglophone At the Grand Amphithéâtre
5 rue de l’Ecole de Médecine, Paris 6e


There is no fee for attending the conference, however participants should register beforehand by sending an email to


The recent publication of newly commissioned translations of Woolf’s novels for the new Pléiade edition makes it timely and fitting to celebrate Woolf in translation. Meanwhile, recent work undertaken by the French Société d’études woolfiennes, and taken up by a number of international Woolf scholars since our first research day on ‘Outlanding Woolf’ in 2013, has brought to light various modes of estrangement and ‘outlanding’ in and of Woolf’s writing. This two-day  conference thus extends these questions by focusing on the metaphorics and praxis of translation itself, insofar as this both inhabits and emerges from her œuvre. This can imply thinking through ways in which the theory and practice of translation invite us to explore the intricacy and interlinking of reading, writing, reception and dissemination in terms of textual transposition (linguistic, poetic or philosophical), but also to extend the question to translating Woolf into other disciplines and across media such as the theatre, visual arts, or dance.



Type :
Colloque / Journée d'étude
Lieu(x) :

mise à jour le 29 juin 2015