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Semaine Internationale Erasmus+
Staff Week

du 15 au 19 Juin 2015

L'université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 organise sa première Semaine Internationale !

Le programme Erasmus+ offre la possibilité aux personnels administratifs de l'enseignement supérieur de se former à l'international. Dans ce cadre, la Sorbonne Nouvelle accueille du 15 au 19 juin 2015 vingt-cinq participants européens autour du thème : "Comment faire de l'université un lieu de vie ouvert sur le monde ?"

L'ensemble de cette semaine de formation se déroule en anglais. Le programme est disponible dans l'encart "Information" (à droite).

The University Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 is pleased to invite you to take part in its 1st Erasmus Staff Training Week which will take place from June 15 to 19, 2015. The aim of this International week is to welcome our administrative colleagues from partner institutions and share experiences with regard to the following theme : “Opening up our Universities to Society”

The programme consists of plenary meetings and workshops on 4 major topics:
  • Student Life on Campus: Creating an Interface with Local Environment
  • Career & Entrepreneurship/ Employability Guidance: Improving Students' Career Opportunities
  • New Challenges for Research: PhD in our Society, Funding, Sharing Scientific Activities
  • Innovative Library Services for PhD Students and young researchers

These workshops will give us the opportunity to discover new practices, exchange great ideas, and pool our efforts and questionings.

The programme will include a visit to host Department of your choice : IRO, Human Resources, IT Department, Finances, Research Administration and Funding, Admission Services, Students and Career Services, Library, as well as optional cultural activities….

Let's exchange on our best practices and let's share our questionings!

Type :
Conférence, Rencontre - débat

mise à jour le 15 mars 2023



Référentes du projet

  • Mme Claire Macheras
  • Mme Flavie Coulbault


General presentation of the University - June 15th

Plenary session with Marie-Christine Lemardeley : "Interaction with Cultural Environnement" - June 17th