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Corps :
MCF - Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3
Mél :
Structure(s) de rattachement :
PRISMES - Langues, Textes, Arts et Cultures du Monde Anglophone - EA 4398
ED 625 - Mondes Anglophones, Germanophones, Indiens, Iraniens et Etudes Européennes - MAGIIE
Département du Monde Anglophone (MA)

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

- Langue orale anglaise (Licence, Master, Agrég)
- English as a language of international communication


Enseignement universitaire

Institut du Monde Anglophone, Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III

2005- Travaux dirigés: langue orale anglaise (LEA 1ère année, LLCE 2ème et 3ème année, ENEAD 1ère, 2ème et 3ème année, MASTER SM2, AGREGATION), compréhension orale (LLCE 1ère année). 

Institut de Langue Anglaise, Université de Poznań – Adam Mickiewicz

1994-2005 Travaux dirigés: langue orale anglaise, phonétique et phonologie anglaise, grammaire comparée (licence); Séminaires et conférences: phonétique et phonologie anglaise, apprentissage d'une langue étrangère (licence); Séminaire: l’accent étranger (Master)

Ecole Universitaire de Pédagogie, Varsovie (équivalent des «I.U.F.M.»)

2003-2005 Travaux dirigés: langue orale anglaise, phonétique et phonologie anglaise (licence); Cours magistral: linguistique générale (licence) 

Institut des Sciences du Langage, Université de Vienne

1998-2001 Séminaires et conférences (licence et Master): variation sociolinguistique, apprentissage d'une langue étrangère 

Institut des Langues Slaves, Université de Vienne

1998-2001 Travaux dirigés: langue orale polonaise, grammaire comparée (polonaise et allemande); Séminaires: variation dialectale en polonais contemporain.


Membre de la Commission des lecteurs (depuis 2008); fonction: encadrement des lecteurs anglophones (avec Ivan Birks)

Thèmes de recherche

- English phonetics & phonology
- Second Language Acquisition
- English as a Language of International Communication

Activités / CV

Sylwia Scheuer (m. SAMSON)

Diplômes universitaires 

1998 - Doctorat, Institut de Langue Anglaise (Faculté de Langues Modernes), Université de Poznań – Adam Mickiewicz (Pologne); Thèse: Interference-motivated pronunciation errors in Polish students of English: a corpus-based study

1994 - Magistère, Institut de Langue Anglaise (Faculté de Langues Modernes), Université de Poznań – Adam Mickiewicz (Pologne); MémoireIn search of an ideal syllabification theory


(1) 1997. "Possible application of a spoken corpus of Polish Inter-English to teaching English pronunciation". In Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B. and Melia, J. (eds.), Practical Applications in Language Corpora. Łódź: Wydawnictwo UŁ.
(2) 1998. "Implementation of a spoken corpus of Polish Inter-English in teaching English pronunciation to Polish learners". In Burnard, L. and McEnery, T. (eds.), Teaching and Learning Corpora. Oxford: Keble College.
(3) 2002. "What makes foreign accent sound foreign?” In James, A. and Leather, J. (eds.). New Sounds 2000. University of Klagenfurt, 306-314.
(4) 2002. "Some remarks on stylistic shifts in interlanguage speech". Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 37, 39-48.
(5) 2003. "What to teach and what not to teach? Some reflections on the relative salience of interlanguage errors". In Sobkowiak, W. and Waniek-Klimczak, E. (eds.), Zeszyty Naukowe PWSZ w Koninie 2, 93-99.
(6) 2005. "L1 transfer in a PC world: why not the Lingua Franca Core again?". Papers and Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 40, 197-207.
(7) 2005. "Why native speakers are (still) relevant?". In Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, K. and Przedlacka, J. (eds.). Pronunciation Models – a Changing Scene? Frankfurt/M: Peter Lang, 111-130.
(8) 2006. "“I’ve seen it all before”, or: on the phonetic profile of the first-year student". In Sobkowiak, W. and Waniek-Klimczak, E. (eds.). Dydaktyka fonetyki języka obcego. Neofilologia VIII. Płock: Wydawnictwo Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej, 145-154.
(9) 2006. Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, K. – Janicka, K. – Kul M. – Scheuer, S. – Weckwerth, J. – Wolfram-Romanowska, D. "Native standards or non-native ELF: which English to teach in the 21st century?". In Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, K. (ed.) IFAtuation: A Life in IFA. A Festschrift for Professor Jacek Fisiak on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 235-59.
(10) 2007. Bertinetto, P.M. – Scheuer, S. – Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, K. – Agonigi, M. “Intersegmental cohesion and syllable division in Polish”. In Trouvain, J. and Barry, W.J. (eds.). Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken, 1953-1956.
(11) 2007. “Why certain errors seem to matter more than others, or: what is wrong with native speakers being right?”. Speak Out! 38, 17-21.
(12) 2007. Bertinetto, P.M. – Scheuer, S. – Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, K. – Agonigi, M. “Intersegmental cohesion and syllable division in Polish. Extended version”. In Reports of Laboratorio di Linguistica. Pisa: Scuola Normale Superiore.
(13) 2010. “How sure are judges about their foreign accent judgements?”. In Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, Katarzyna – Wrembel, Magdalena – Kul, Małgorzata (eds.) Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech. New Sounds 2010. Poznań: AMU Publishing House.
(14) 2010. “Can (an) ELF have a life of its own?”. Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 46/3, 331-347.
(15) 2010. “How could English truly become a new Latin?”. In Henderson, A. (ed.) English Pronunciation: Issues and practices (EPIP). Proceedings of the First International Conference. Chambéry: Université de Savoie, 209-222.
(16) 2010. “Making English a new Latin”. Research in Language 8, 203-215. 
(17) 2013. Horgues, C. & Scheuer, S. “Why some things are better done in tandem”. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on English Pronunciation: Issues and Practices (EPIP 3). University of Murcia, 41-44.
(18) 2014. Horgues, C. & Scheuer, S. “«I understood you, but there was this pronunciation thing…»: L2 pronunciation feedback in English/French tandem interactions”. Research in Language 12/2, 145-161.
(19) 2015. “What to teach and what not to teach, yet again: On the elusive priorities for L2 English phonetics”. In Waniek-Klimczak, E. and Pawlak, M. (eds.). Teaching and Researching the Pronunciation of English. Springer International Publishing, 139-151. 


(1)   1995: PICLE - polska, fonetyczna wersja International Corpus of Learner English. [PICLE – Polish, Phonetic Version of ICLE]. Język i Technologia [Langage et Technologie], Poznań 1995;
(2) 1995: Equivalence classification of vowels as a factor in phonological transfer. Case study of Polish Inter-English. 29th International Conference on Cross-Language Studies and Contrastive Linguistics, Świeradów Zdrój 1995;
(3) 1996: The application of a spoken corpus of learner English to teaching phonetics to Polish students. Teaching English Phonetics and Phonology in Poland, Łódź 1996;
(4) 1997: Possible application of a spoken corpus of Polish Inter-English to teaching English pronunciation. Congrès: Practical Applications in Language Corpora, Łódź 1997;
(5) 1998: Implementation of a spoken corpus of Polish Inter-English in teaching English pronunciation to Polish learners. Teaching and Language Corpora (TALC 98), Keble College, Oxford 1998;
(6) 1999: Stylistic shifts in interlanguage speech. 27th Österreichische Linguistiktagung [27ème Réunion Linguistique Autrichienne], Vienne 1999;
(7) 2000: What makes foreign accent sound foreign? New Sounds 2000, Amsterdam 2000;
2002: What to teach and what not to teach. Some reflections on the relative salience of L2 phonetic errors. Dydaktyka Fonetyki. Teorie a Praktyka [Enseignement de la phonetique: théorie et pratique], Wąsosze 2002;
(9) 2003: On LFC acceptability and the future of the English language. 34th Poznań Linguistic Meeting 2003;
2003: Language transfer in a PC world: another voice against the Lingua Franca Core. 16th International Conference on Foreign / Second Language Acquisition, Szczyrk 2003;
2004: A changing profile of the 1st-year student? ConfPASE [Polish Association for the Study of English] Annual Meeting, Poznań 2004;
2004: The esęs of nasal gliding in Polish students of English [poster, avec Joanna Przedlacka], Congrès: 35th Poznań Linguistic Meeting (Controversial Issues in Polish Phonetics and Phonology), Poznań 2004;
(13) 2005: ‘I’ve seen it all before’, or: on the phonetic profile of the first-year student. Congrès: Dydaktyka Fonetyki Języka Angielskiego V [Enseignement de la phonetique  anglaise], Soczewka 2005;
2007: Oral English in Polish and French universities: a comparison. 9ème Journée d’Etude ALOES sur l’anglais oral, Paris (Université Paris 7) 2007;
(15) 2007: Intersegmental cohesion and syllable division in Polish: un poster avec PierMarco Bertinetto and Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, présenté à International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken 2007;
(16) 2009: How could English really become a new Latin. English Pronunciation: Issues and Practices (EPIP), Chambéry 2009;
(17) 2009: Can (an) ELF have a life of its own? Congrès: Societas Linguistica Europaea, Lisbon 2009 (workshop: “How global is English in the globalising world?”);
2009: Making English a new Latin. Accents, Łódź 2009;
(19) 2010: How sure are judges about their foreign accent judgements? Congrès: New Sounds 2010, Poznań;
(20) 2011: Why Polish and French students of English do not sound the same. Accents, Łódź 2011;
   2013: Why some things are better done in tandem (avec Céline Horgues). Congrès: EPIP 3 (English Pronunciation: Issues and Practices), Murcia, mai 2013;
(22) 2013: “I understood you, but there was this pronunciation thing…”: L2 pronunciation feedback in English/French tandem interactions (avec Céline Horgues). Congrès: Accents, Łódź, décembre 2013;
(23) 2014: “It was OK, but really, get the ‘th’”: Providing and receiving L2 pronunciation feedback during tandem interactions (avec Céline Horgues). Journées d’étude SITAF: Apprendre une L2 : interactions orales entre locuteurs natifs et non-natifs (Learning a second language: spoken interaction between native and non-native speakers), Paris, juin 2014.

mise à jour le 3 mars 2015

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