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Partir à Leiden pendant vos études au département du monde anglophone

Nombre de places:  2 sur 2 semestres
Niveau d'études:
L3, Master
University of Leiden
, Netherlands:
Code Erasmus : NL LEIDEN 01
L'échange est ouvert aux étudiants du parcours ACE, mais des trajets (onéreux et compliqués pour les emploi du temps) sont alors nécessaires entre Leiden et La Haye.

Il s'adresse aussi à des littéraires de L3 ou de master d'un bon niveau. Les cours se déroule alors entièrement à Leiden.

L'échange n'est pas ouvert aux mineurs langues, car les cours de langues sont donnés partiellement en Hollandais. 

Voir les informations pour les "exchange students" à Leiden ici.

Les candidats doivent consulter la brochure du "Bachelor English Language and culture"

Une certification en langues peut être demandée.

Où est Leiden ?
Informations complémentaires de l'université de Leiden:
Field of study Erasmus+ contract

We can only accept students nominated in the field of study as stated in our bilateral exchange agreement and within the Faculty of Humanities. Students must take at least 20 ECTS per semester in courses offered in the Faculty of Humanities in the field of study mentioned in the exchange agreement. On top of that, students are allowed to take courses in other fields of studies, provided the programme coordinators can accept them.

Please note that for the Erasmus code for history and archeology (0222/225) only concerns History. Archeology is a separate faculty at Leiden University with its own Erasmus agreements.

Language acquisition courses
Our language acquisition courses are not open to exchange students unless stated otherwise in the e-prospectus.  This is due to the limited capacity of the groups and/or because the language of instruction and/or course materials are in Dutch.
In a very few cases there are a few places left after all students enrolled in the full programme have been placed, but we cannot guarantee this and we know this just before the start of the semester. To avoid problems and disappointment, students should not count on enrolment in a language course for their study plans or requirements of the home university.

Our language Centre offers courses in various languages. Please be aware that for these courses a fee is charged and no credits are awarded for them (more information: )

English language requirements:
To be able to follow our courses in English successfully and make assignments, write papers and take exams, the students should have a level of IELTS Academic test: at least 6.5 / TOEFL test: 90 (internet-based) or 575 (paper-based) (CEFR B2 bachelor; C1 master courses).  Please visit the website for the most up to date information.

We do not necessarily need an official certificate from Erasmus+ students, but we expect them to have the levels mentioned above. Erasmus+ students can send us an alternative qualification (i.e. statement issued by the Home University, language centres/schools ) to demonstrate the level.

Course in Leiden and The Hague
While the majority of Humanities programmes and courses are offered in Leiden, it is important to realize that the BA International Studies (BAIS) programme is in the Hague. The Hague is 10-12 minutes by train, and about 45 minutes door-to-door from the faculty's buildings in Leiden. We do not recommend students to combine courses in Leiden and The Hague, as it is  difficult to arrange courses in both cities without schedule clashes. When combining courses in Leiden and the Hague, students should take the time and travel expenses into account.

It is very important for students who will be starting their exchange in Leiden in Fall 2020, to apply for housing through the Housing Office and to pay the housing fee as soon as possible after submitting their online application for exchange, even if they have not been formally admitted to Leiden University yet. Accommodation is allocated on a “first come first served” basis, and a student’s place on the housing list is determined by the date on which their housing fee is received.


mise à jour le 25 octobre 2023

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