Presse de la recherche >> Commonwealth >> Cultures of the Commonwealth


n° 22 (2019) Confluence, Divergence / Diversity


In memory of Victor Oost

  • Sam COOMBES, The Reconstruction of Social Democratic Values in Contemporary Cosmopolitan Anglophone Societies
  • Martine PIQUET, Brexit and Commonwealth: convictions et incertitudes. Illusion d'un rêve de reconstruction impérial
  • Grégory ALBISSON, Confluence, Divergence and Diversion in the New Zealand Flag Debate
  • Delphine DAVID, "Change the Date to May 8, Maaate": Past and Present Analysis of a Controversial National Day as Australia "Celebrates" the 230th Anniversary of the First Fleet's Arrival
  • Jain BHAWANA, Decoding the Partition of India, Using Transmediality in the Digital Era

  • Deirdre GILFEDDER, The Races of Europe: Construction of National Identities in the Social Sciences, 1839-1939, by Richard McMahon

mise à jour le 10 septembre 2020