Presse de la recherche >> Commonwealth >> Cultures of the Commonwealth


n° 19/20/21 (Winter 2016-17) Transparency to Crossings


  • Foreword, 5
  • Bernard CROS, "Here merit is, in the subjectively determined": The Glass Ceiling in South African Rugby Union, 7
  • Grégory ALBISSON, The Untold Story of the "No-Narking Rule." Semi-Secret Societies and Transparency: The Case of Maori Gangs in Wellington, 23
  • Delphine DAVID, Reconciliation in Australia: Achieving Transparency through the Theatre, 35
  • Marie-Bénédicte REY, Transparency in Australian Policy Towards Indonesia between 1970 and 1990: A Case Study, 43
  • Michel MONTEIL, De "Goldcoast" à "Ghana", 55
  • Béatrice LAURENT, A Toponymic Conquest? The British Presence in Martinique, 1794-1802, 67
  • Grégory ALBISSON, "Jacking off." Australia and New Zealand Changing the Flag: The Ongoing Debate, 79
  • Virginie BERNARD, The "Single Noongar Claim": The (Re)construction of the Noongar People through Native Title, Southwest of Western Australia, 91
  • Sheila COLLINGWOOD-WHITTICK, Ideological and Identarian Issues Raised by Acts of (Re/)naming in Colonial and "Post"-colonial Australia, 103
  • Chloé CARABUCCIA, A Distinct and Independent Canada: The Fear of the United States and the National Unity Project under the Liberals (1963-1984), 117
  • Claire HEUILLARD, The Indian Diaspora in Canada There and Back Again, 135
  • Alexandra ROCH, From the Yoruba Cult to the Spiritual Baptists in Trinidad: The Hold as a Cross-cultural Bridge, 149
  • Xavier PONS, "Why this fuss about a lot of old bones?" The Struggle to Repatriate Aboriginal Remains Held in British Museums, 161
  • Valérie BAISNÉE, Creating a Usable Past: The 1981 Springbok Tour in Fiona Kidman's New Zealand Memoirs, 177
  • Sam COOMBES, Troubled Crossings: Paul Gilroy's Black Atlantic Twenty Years On, 187
  • Deirdre GILFEDDER, recension, Le Contrôle du corps de femmes dans les Empires coloniaux: Empires, genre et biopolitique, dir. Martine Spensky, 199

mise à jour le 25 janvier 2021