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Mouvements ouvriers et décolonisation : l’expérience britannique, 1919-1984 Labour and Empire in the Age of Decolonisation: the British Experience, 1919-1984

le 8 novembre 2013


Salle Claude Simon, Maison de la Recherche, 4 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris

Yann Béliard (Université Paris 3)
Neville Kirk (Manchester Metropolitan University / Huddersfield University)

Programme [PDF - 147 Ko]


Specialists of the British Empire and researchers in British labour history can no longer afford to ignore each other. According to Bernard Porter and Catherine Hall, the time has come for a social history of the Empire, and one might add – following the stimulating examples recently provided by Stuart Ward and Andrew Thompson – for a social history of decolonisation.

In most studies attempting to explain the demise of the British Empire, the world of labour does not stand in the limelight, the key roles being allocated to metropolitan statesmen on the one hand and native elites on the other. Our one-day conference will seek to counter-balance that neglect (as Frederick Cooper and the ‘subalternists’ have already done), by focusing on the role played by the voiceless and their experience, initiatives and organisations, in the dissolution of the British Empire.

Marcel van der Linden once declared that ‘the history of the British working-class can only be written as a transcontinental one’ and John MacKenzie has never ceased to strive for a socialisation of imperial studies. Hopefully the conference will confirm that the history of the British Empire, including that of its liquidation, can only move forward by putting common people back on the map.

Cette journée d’études est organisée par le laboratoire CREW, Centre for Research on the English-Speaking World (EA 4399), le CREC, Centre de recherche en civilisation britannique, et l’axe 3 de CREW, « Echanges, transferts et constructions nationales dans l’espace anglophone», avec le soutien de la Society for the Study of Labour History.

Elle s’inscrit dans la continuité des colloques « La Grande-Bretagne et son système-monde, 1815-1931 » (mars 2010) et « A la redécouverte de la Grande Fièvre Ouvrière, 1911-1914 » (septembre 2011).

Réécoutez le colloque :

  1. Yann Béliard (Université Paris3)
    Sylvia Pankhurst vs the British Empire: the /Workers' Dreadnought/ challenge, 1917-24
    22 minutes

    Illustrations commentées lors de l'intervention [PDF - 5 Mo]
  2. Nicholas Owen (University of Oxford)
    Alliances from above and below: the failures and successes of communist anti-imperialism in India, 1920-32
    22 minutes
  3. Matt Perry (Newcastle University)
    An 'English Untouchable': Ellen Wilkinson, the Indian nationalist movement and British Labour
    19 minutes
  4. Jacqueline Jenkinson (University of Stirling)
    British sailors' unions' attitudes towards black colonial sailors during the 1919 seaport riots
    22 minutes
  5. Rita Rhodes (the Open University)     
    Experiences of co-operatives during British decolonisation
    21 minutes
  6. Gareth Curless (University of Exeter) 
    Labour policy in post-war Sudan, 1945-56
    21 minutes
  7. Rakesh Ankit (University of Southampton) 
    "Driving from the Dickey": the Attlee government and the Kashmir conflict, 1947-49
    17 minutes
  8. Tom Sibley (International Centre for Trade Union Rights)
    The deportation of trade-union leader Albert Fava from Gibraltar to Britain, 1948
    24 minutes 

Type :
Colloque / Journée d'étude

mise à jour le 10 mars 2014