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Projets scientifiques :
Co-responsable du corpus SITAF (avec Sylwia Scheuer) :, C. & Scheuer, S. (2018) L'exploitation d'un corpus d'interactions tandem anglais/français pour mieux comprendre les enjeux de la rétroaction corrective entre pairs, Alterstice, Revue Internationale de la Recherche Interculturelle, vol. 8 (1) (2018), Jumelage interculturel et pédagogie universitaire
Horgues, C. & Scheuer, S. (2018) “What are you not understanding?” Managing communication breakdowns in native/non-native English/French tandem interactions, in Babatsouli, E. (ed.) 'Crosslinguistic research in monolingual and bilingual speech'. pp. 129-146.
Gaudy-Campbell, I. & Horgues, C. (Eds) (2019) Linguistique anglaise et oralité : vers une approche intégrée, Paris: Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle.
Kamiyama, T., Pillot-Loiseau, C., Scheuer, S., & Horgues, C. (2019) “Production of the French high vowels /i y u/ by English-speaking learners and French native speakers in a reading task in tandem language learning.” Abstract Booklet of the 9th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech, New Sounds 2019, p. 65. Tokyo, Waseda University.
Pillot-Loiseau, C., Horgues, C., Scheuer, S. & Kamiyama, T. (2019) “The Evolution of Creaky Voice Use in Read Speech by Native-French and Native-English Speakers in Tandem: a Pilot Study“, Anglophonia n°27 (Voice Quality in English)
Scheuer, S. & Horgues, C. (2019) “Correcting versus misunderstanding L2 pronunciation: Evidence from English-French tandem conversations.” Abstract Booklet of the 9th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech, New Sounds 2019, p. 108. Tokyo, Waseda University.
Scheuer, S. & Horgues, C. (2020) “Corrective Feedback in English/French Spoken Tandem Interactions” in Tardieu, C. & Horgues, C. (eds) Redefining Tandem Language and Culture Learning in Higher Education, London/New York: Routledge, p. 147-160.
Tardieu, C. & Horgues, C. (Eds) (2020) Redefining Tandem Language and Culture Learning in Higher Education, London/New York: Routledge.
Tardieu, C. & Horgues, C. (Eds) (2020). Apprendre et enseigner les langues et les cultures en tandem. Recherche et pratiques pédagogiques en langues de spécialité (RPPLSP), 39 (1)
Scheuer, S. & HORGUES, C. (2021) Corrective feedback and unintelligibility: Do they work in tandem during tandem interactions?. In Anastazija Kirkova-Naskova, Alice Henderson & Jonás Fouz-González (eds), English Pronunciation Instruction: Research-based Insights, 223-252, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins.
Pillot-Loiseau, C. Harmegnies, B. HORGUES, C. & Scheuer, S. (2023) Qualité vocale en lecture par des locutrices anglophones et francophones : comparaison acoustique avant et après 12 séances en tandem, Langages
HORGUES, C. & Scheuer, S. (2023) How L2 English pronunciation contributes to miscommunication in two French/English tandem conversation tasks. In A. Henderson and A. Kirkova-Naskova (eds); Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on English Pronunciation: Issues and Practices, pp.97-107,
Scheuer S. & HORGUES C. (2023) “Three months on, I still sound like an Anglophone”: Tales of Success and Failure told by English and French Tandem Partners, TAPSLA 9/2
mise à jour le 21 novembre 2023