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“Guest students of Sorbonne Nouvelle University” (ETISSON) Programme


From 2016 to 2020, the ETISSON society and Sorbonne Nouvelle University have put in place a programme offering free classes for asylum seekers and refugees who wish to continue their studies in France.

10 hours of class were given by volunteer teachers of the university from various departments (Teaching of French as a Foreign Language, Literature, Comparative Literature, Arts and Media). The objective was to allow refugee students to acquire the French proficiency level needed to continue or start their studies and to create a place for them to socialise. A specific accompaniment has been put in place in order to guide them to pursue their higher education. Finally, workshops and cultural excursions linked to theatre for example were also organised as part of the society's activites.


This programme had been successful and allowed many refugee students to obtain their diploma thanks to the hard work of:
- volunteer teachers, who have given their time and effort continuously for these students;
- the AUF – Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie that provided financial grants for this project;
- the CASNAV that allowed a huge number of students to obtain the DELF A2 and B1 certificates;
- Résome (Réseau Etudes Supérieures et Orientation des Migrant·e·s et des Exilé·e·s),  a collective of students, teachers, samaritans, societies and informal groups, who work side-by-side with migrant students to facilitate access to higher education and their orientation, as well as the learning of the French language.



The Etisson society does not offer any more French classes, instead the president of the society has put in place the DU Passerelle, available at the start of the 2020 school year. The current role of the society is to continue accompanying migrant students who are enrolled in this University Diploma (through tutoring, cultural activities, etc.).


To be part of the society:
To enrol in the Passerelle University Diploma:

mise à jour le 22 novembre 2021