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Learn French at the Sorbonne Nouvelle : French language and culture Winter and Summer courses

Registration for the 2024 summer course will open soon !


To develop this program, the Sorbonne Nouvelle relies on its experience in teaching French as a Foreign Language, as well as teaching Arts and Cultures. The courses are given by a team of experienced teachers.

French language and culture courses are offered twice a year :

- Winter course

- Summer course

Lessons will take place from 9am to 1pm from Monday to Friday. Cultural outings/activities, such as visits to museums, theatres, excursions in Paris etc, will be offered some afternoons and evenings.

These courses in Paris are an opportunity for each student to integrate fully into the French culture, to discover the french heritage offered by the city of Paris, and share a common passion with students coming from all over the world.

Registration for the winter and summer courses will soon open.
If you want to be notify as soon as possible, please send an email to one of the following email adress. 


Contact us at:

Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
Service de la Formation Continue (SFC) - Bureau C420
8, avenue de Saint Mandé, 75012 PARIS

mise à jour le 22 septembre 2023

Last news

Registration for the 2024 French winter and summer courses will soon open !

We do not accept students under 16 years old.

Our program is not in charge of accomodating students. Please find attached [PDF - 18 Ko] a downloadable document Bons plans logement pour un été à Paris


Tél : (00 33) 1 45 87 48 12 & (00 33) 1 45 87 40 83

Winter French courses

Summer French courses

Discover summer classes in French