ESIT >> International >> Erasmus Exchange Program

Erasmus Exchange Program

Incoming Students

We welcome exchange students who want to study at ESIT for a semester as part of their student career in the Translation field.

You should first check with the international office at your institution whether a bilateral agreement has been signed with ESIT- Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3. Unfortunately, we cannot accept application forms from students who have not been officially nominated by their University or have not submitted an application to Paris 3 International and European Relations Office (SRI).

We do not accept free movers.


mise à jour le 1 septembre 2023

Guichet numérique étudiant

Pour toutes questions concernant votre scolarité ou les formations de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, connectez vous puis saisissez votre demande.

Vous trouverez des explications et de l'aide sur cette page.



School Exchange Team

ESIT Departmental Coordinator
Agnès Monrose
(ESIT -  Office B411)

International Exchange Coordinator
Isabelle Barraquand
(Université Sorbonne Nouvelle)

ESIT Campus Map

Click here to view the map.

Catherine Alexandre 
ESIT - B 411
  • Thursday, Friday: 10h -13h and 14h -17h
  • Monday, Wednesday: 10h-12h30