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Cognitive Joyce : The Neuronal Text

du 27 mai 2011 au 28 mai 2011

Colloque international

Lieu : Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, Institut du Monde Anglophone, 5 rue de l'École de Médecine, Paris 6ème
Organisateurs : Caroline Morillot. Sylvain Belluc - EA 4398 - Langues, Textes, Arts et Cultures du Monde Anglophone (PRISMES)
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The recent development of cognitive and neurosciences, far from being irrelevant to the mechanisms of fiction, enables to shed light on its workings. The conference purposes to approach the Joycean text, at several different scales, as a mental and cybernetic structure with multiple and diverse ramifications, and to address the question of the text as a specific mode of cognition. Whether it be the verbal lapses and tics of the characters from Dubliners, Stephen's slow acquisition of language in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, or the creation of mental spaces affected by the ceaseless promptings of urban life in Ulysses, Joyce's works do seem to have foreshadowed the immense interest cognitive sciences were to generate throughout the twentieth century. It is an aspect which was never lost on Joyce's critics, who have often raised issues, such as telepathy or the subliminal, which pertain to the field of cognition. The primary objective of this conference will be to highlight and dissect the mental and neuro-physiological mechanisms, such as perception, attention, memory, reasoning or communication, through which Joyce's characters build up their knowledge. These cognitive mechanisms will also be studied in their relation to action and motricity in order to underline, for instance, the interval between stimulus and reaction, or the time-lag between the planning of an action and its carrying out. For this cognitive perspective, far from relying on a separation between body and mind, encourages one on the contrary to question the link between body and mental processes in the Joycean text, and the way they articulate. Such an approach, in turn, gives rise to other important questions, such as that of the relationship between aesthetics and creation, that is to say, the idea of art conceived as a cognitive activity. Stephen, in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, apprehends any aesthetic relationship as a cognitive experience grounded on Aquinas's categories (integritas, consonantia, claritas), according to which the epiphany becomes the last cognitive stage in the artistic process. Furthermore, another topic which will come under study will be the relationship between fiction and cognition. If Joyce's oeuvre can be defined as a full-fledged cognitive construct, the reader's relationship to the text also falls within the province of cognition: what cognitive skills and what chain of mental operations do both the writing and the reading of Joyce's text require?Within the frame of this dialogue between cognitive sciences and literature, trans-disciplinary approaches will be encouraged, and papers belonging to the fields of linguistics (especially cognitive linguistics), philosophy and comparative literature will all be welcomed.

The registration fees will amount to 60 euros

Type :
Colloque / Journée d'étude

mise à jour le 25 mai 2011