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BZAL401 - Multiculturalism








Cours décyclé  L1, L2 et L3
Niveau 3

Multiculturalism and national identity in the English-speaking world : Canada, Australia, Great Britain

This course retraces the evolution of multiculturalism, understood not just as a demographic and social fact but also as a political approach to the management of diversity, in in Canada, Australia and Great Britain. It starts with the history of multiculturalist policies since their origins in the 1960s, documenting their birth first in Canada and Australia, and their adoption by Great Britain a decade later. In these three countries the notion of multiculturalism was used in government discourse and policy to designate a wide array of policies and programmes designed to fight racial discrimination and to cater for the needs of ethno-racial, cultural or religious minorities. The course then retraces the controversies that have surrounded multiculturalism for the last 15 years, focusing on the period since 9/11, in which political discourse on immigration and ethnic diversity has become increasingly securitised.

The course pays attention to the post-colonial specificities of the Canadian and Australian contexts where the notion of multiculturalism was first coined, and to the process of adaptation it underwent as it started gaining currency in British politics. It encourages students to think comparatively and to interrogate differences and resemblances between the three countries under study.

Course material : 
-  Course package including press articles, official reports, political speeches
-  Academic works (see bibliography)


Jeudi 11h-12h30, Salle B102 - Romain Garbaye

Contrôles des connaissances

Evaluation : 1/3 exposé, 1/3 devoir sur table, 1/3 participation orale

mise à jour le 19 décembre 2023


  • N'oubliez pas de passer le test de positionnement en langues disponible sur iCampus et de consulter les descriptifs de cours en ligne avant de vous inscrire.


Renseignements :

Bureau des Enseignements Transversaux (BET)
Bureau A501 - Campus Nation
75012 Paris

Tél. : temporairement indisponible
Sur Internet

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